PuNk'D King's Blog

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Image Essay # 2

This artwork portrays the chromatic value vocabulary word. Well it’s obvious that this painting has a massive amount of value in it to begin with. Every color that is represented in this painting has value to it, some more than others.
Well as you can tell the dark purple or blue in the background would have a higher chromatic value then let’s say the pear that is back there with it. The pear is very dense which really takes away from its value. This in turn doesn’t really make it stand out from the rest of the composition much like the cloth that is wrapped around it. The cloth is definitely trying to show its dominance in every aspect. It’s dominant in size of course but also in value. There’s nothing else that really stands out in high value and the low values don’t differentiate enough. Take for example the apples and the pepper. They’re both done in bright colors and their brightness doesn’t really vary enough so you’re unable to tell which one has more than the other one. I think that it should have more white blended in with the blue or darken up the pepper so you don’t have so much similarity in the piece.


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